Brookfield NG: Fabric Types

Brookfield Public Library 2000 N. Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI, United States

We'll be talking about different types of fabrics and what garments or items they're best suited. NOTE: this meeting occurs…

New Berlin NG: Favorites

New Berlin Public Library - Community Room 15105 Library Lane, New Berlin

Our popular annual topic: Favorites! Come to tell us about items that make your sewing easier and pick up tips…

Brookfield NG: Sleeve Types and Body Types

Brookfield Public Library 2000 N. Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI, United States

Sleeve types and body types. This is round robin so bring your examples, references, and questions.

New Berlin NG: Scissors and Ugly Fabric

New Berlin Public Library - Community Room 15105 Library Lane, New Berlin

Two topics today! First, Deb will do a presentation on scissors. We will also have our Ugly Fabric Swap! Wrap…

CAB Meeting

New Berlin Public Library - Community Room 15105 Library Lane, New Berlin

1st Quarter CAB Meeting. Please note that this meeting will begin at 12:15pm. All ASG Milwaukee members are welcome to…

Brookfield NG: Bound Buttonholes and Welt Pockets

Brookfield Public Library 2000 N. Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI, United States

Bound buttonholes and welt pockets are both elements that can elevate a garment. Learn how to create these enhancements from…